14 Strong Motivators To Get The Most Of Life

Bike at the beach

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.  – Wayne Gretzky

Did anyone ever tell you something that changed your life, or greatly influenced you in some way? Maybe they shared some valuable wisdom you keep tucked away in your back pocket. Most likely, this knowledge led to some great shortcuts for you.

Life is constantly changing. It’s either turning for the better or slowly towards the worst. The question becomes, Is there a finish line? For most of us, it’s about wanting more and more from life, and having the skills and determination to overcome the challenges and  stay focused on the goals.

We all know motivation is different for each person. There is no proverbial “one size fits all” measuring stick. Ultimately, at the end of the day, it’s up to us to decide if we are settling for less or if we can accomplish something more significant. There is no right or wrong answer, however those who can find a good balance seem content. Happiness means, the beach (for me) and for others, who knows – the desert.

The Ocean

I have no doubt you are a creative, brilliant person who is capable of conquering whatever your heart desires. Something to remember along the way – Stay true to who you are: If you obey all the rules you will miss all the fun.

Here are 14 strong motivators to get the most of life

  1. You can do anything you wish, and be anything you want with determination.
  2. Stop comparing yourself to others, you’re an original. No one else can be you
  3. Prayers are powerful. Pray.
  4. Laughter is medicine for the soul. Laugh everyday.
  5. Money will never buy happiness, only love can.
  6. Perseverance is a reminder to keep moving forward..
  7. Fuel your willpower with tenacity.
  8. Faithfulness keeps you devoted to what’s important in your life.
  9. Be a daily learner. Learn something new everyday.
  10. Don’t waste your time, make it count deliberately.
  11. The Truth, makes life peaceful.
  12. Kindness matters.
  13. Integrity builds a beautiful legacy.
  14. Love others, and be of good cheer.

red anchor

Motivation is the burning desire that compels us to take action. Surround yourself with great people and you will surround yourself with motivation. Motivation is compelling, attractive, and enduring. It has the power to inspire us to stretch beyond our self limitations. It says, you have put a stake in the ground, and you are committed to make something happen.

Are you motivated? What is driving your determination? Are you a motivating person for others? How do you motivate others?

Happy trails
Donna George

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