Are You Waiting to Find A Message In A Bottle?

Are you waiting to find a message in a bottle? You are not alone.

message in a bottle

A message in a bottle


How many times have you read the best selling book Message in a Bottle written by my favorite author, Nicholas Sparks? Or watched the movie version of the story released back in 1999? Once, twice, or so many times the DVD is worn and scratched?

Just when you think it can’t get any worse, it can. And just when you think it can’t get any better, it can – Nicholas Sparks

In short, it’s a story about a woman who finds a romantic love letter in a bottle washed up on the shore, and she tracks down the man who wrote it. The letter tugs at the heart strings of the woman who finds it and becomes obsessed with the deep love, sadness and struggle the writer describes for his lost wife.

The movie, (filmed mostly here in my hometown) has lured many hearts in search of a bottle with such a message. Ironically, each time a bottle is found with a letter or message of some sort, it makes the news. Finding bottles, containers with forms of communication from the sea has lined the shelves of many museums throughout time as sailors and travelers at sea have met tragedy. The world’s oldest message in a bottle, believed to be written by British scientist and washed up in Germany after 108 years of sea travel. The return address was the Marine Biological Association in Plymonth.

Why are so many people intrigued by finding a message in a bottle? Maybe its the popularity and attention author Nicolas Sparks book brought to the minds of readers. Perhaps it was the simple lure of the popular, romantic movie, coupled with beautiful ocean imagery combined with the popular star of the movie, Hollywood ladies’ man (at the time) Kevin Costner.  If that’s not enough bate to grab your attention, consider the populate band Police and the hit song, “Message in a Bottle.” That jingle will live on forever.

Whatever the reason that compels one to search for a message in a bottle, love and curiosity fuel the hunt. Have you ever looked for a bottle with a message sealed away inside? Ever found one?

The romance of the sea is intoxicating. There is nothing on earth that can conjure up images and feelings in the minds of people like the spell of the sea. What’s your story?


Happy Valentine’s Day,
Donna George

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